The Player on the Other Side

The murders began with a note:

Dear Walt:

I know who you really are. I know the skills of your hands. I know the quality of you obedience. I know what you think. I know whar you want. I know your great destiny.
I like you.

Walt was handyman of York Square, home of the four surviving heirs to the York fortune. There was Robert York - stern and exact in his movements; Myra York - a gentle beauty whose life was withering away; Emily York - who turned her lavish home into a bare Trappist cell; and Percial York - playboy, gambler, and drunkard.
These were the people whose lifes were threatened by the mysterious "Y" - but who or which was "Y"?

[Johan Blixt] [Ellery Queen]

16 januari 2005 / Johan Blixt /